Wednesday 18 July 2012

Fat Woman and the embarrassing underwear

Fat Woman went to the osteopath. Fat Woman has some knee issues which require work.

Once at the osteopath's Fat Woman realised she had made a huge mistake. Instead of her harvest festival pants (all is safely gathered in) Fat Woman was wearing a thong.

There was no time for Fat Woman to go home and change, or even buy new panties. Fat Woman had to lie on the couch with dented modesty. Of course, this was the day the osteopath had a medical student in.

Fat Woman imagines the medical student telling the story of the hugely fat woman who wore a thong. Fat Woman feels bad for herself that there is any question of it being appropriate to wear a thong. Fat Woman likes pretty underwear as much as the next person. Fat Woman just likes to be more modest when displaying her underwear to others. Fat Woman feels that wearing a thong to the osteopath is a bit like saying "Hey! I have a good enough opinion of myself that I think I look attractive in these and I don't mind letting you see me." Fat Woman does not enjoy exhibitionism.

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